Many have been asking so many questions of how this business started so I've finally created my "about" section (as I had NO business plan when this all came about Fall 2017) ....soooo here's the PROPARAZZI STORY and the faces of the REASON I do what I do!
A little about my new VENTURE that has taken on a life of it’s own “On A Wing & A Prayer”! Nearly twelve years ago my boys & I lost my husband to neuroblastoma cancer. Jimmy & Jax were 5 & 8 when Jim passed. Since that time I have been on a MISSION to continue to raise my kids on our family farm until finishing their schooling. I have been repurposing antiques and various other items since that time in order to be able to continue to work from home and keep as much normalcy as possible for them. The boys have grown up working along side of me on the farm & all that the business entails so each have grown up with a very diversified, incredible work ethic and CREATIVE spirits! Keeping up with it all can get to be a pretty hectic juggling act between school, sports, extracurriculars, business and keeping up with the property, but it’s been our COMMON goal! Through this journey we have learned our STRENGTHS and WEAKNESSES and formed the bond as the 3 MUSKETEERS! It’s not always as calm & pretty as “The Walton’s“ experience, but the respect for each other’s sacrifice is WORTH the reward!
After running my partner business CHAMELEON COWGIRL ANTIQUES & DESIGN from many years back, I decided to start operating from our barn this past summer (since my oldest boy was going to be leaving for college and I would no longer have his muscle for transporting to malls). We spent over a year traveling all around Ohio and neighboring states, working around the clock & seeking out the types of items that I wanted my SHOP to represent as well as PROP items for a rental business that I had DESIRED to start.
DREAMS changed…Unfortunately we lost 2/3 of our survivor’s social security in 2016 and we have been struggling to stay afloat. Finances had gotten so bad that I decided last Easter that I just couldn’t keep the farm any longer. I posted on social media that I would be selling our farm and contents as the time had come to LET IT GO! I began selling off everything in preparation to move and was contacted by several buyers that wanted the farm….OUR farm that we had fought so hard for all these years!
I spent the following week not finding any PEACE that I was making the right decision…I did a lot of PRAYING about it and decided I needed to give it one last HURRAH! I have had a PASSION for antiques since I was a little girl as well as being a hopeless, “HOPEFUL" romantic and felt I was dropping the ball on what GOD had designed! I’d always imagined having a Bed & Breakfast but even more so hosting weddings, anniversary parties, vow renewal, etc. on the property since Jim & I first moved to what we named “SERENITY FARM”
So…. I am FULL SPEED AHEAD on this new business venture “PROPARAZZI” that includes PROP RENTAL as well as working with PHOTOGRAPHERS shooting in the 1860’s Colonial Revival Farmhouse, bank barn and areas on the secluded 8 acre farm that includes over 4000+ square feet of PROPS!
WELCOME to PROPARAZZI! We rent unique and authentic ANTIQUE and VINTAGE architectural elements, furniture, upholstered seating, trunks, tables, chairs, props, and table accessories. Our fabulous, varied, and quickly growing collection not limited to but reflects rustic farm, art decor glamour, European country, and classic Victorian decor. We love to share ideas as to how our inventory can be used and if we don’t have what you are looking for, we will gladly use our resources to help locate appropriate pieces. Using our selection of finely curated timeworn objects promises to create interest, and bring elegance, sophistication and thematic styling to your wedding, corporate gathering, or other private event! We have many UNIQUE vintage one of a kind pieces, all hand picked filled with history and OH the stories they could tell!! They are just waiting here for you, to help make your SPECIAL day as unique as you are! We also LOVE working with photographers to STYLE scenes to represent your personal style and originality!
Thank you for your interest & SUPPORT!!!
Blessings, Cynthia Kovatch