Basic Pricing
1 hour indoor or outdoor sessions typically range from $50-60 .
*I occasionally run specials on my Proparazzi LLC Facebook page so keep an eye on it by clicking the link located on my home or contact pages.
Mini Sessions
Mini session rates dependent on sets chosen and season. Inquire for pricing. Typically run on average $60 per hour. *You may choose one of mine or "use your imagination" and design your own making it "uniquely" yours!
Boudoir Sessions
Boudoir sessions range from $50-60 indoors & $50-$75 per hour per hour outdoors.
*Boudoir must be shot exclusively.
*Outdoors includes Studio-C and Historic staged bank barn>
Multiple Hour Shoots
Half or full day shoots are sometimes discounted dependent on season and whether additional shoots can be shot consecutively.
Milk Bath Shoots
Milk bath shoots are $50 per hour but at a discounted to $25 when added to a regular package. *You are required to bring your own fresh flowers (as silks sink), 1/2 gallon of any milk and your own towel. *If boudoir style, milk baths must be shot exclusively.
Styled Group Shoots
I host my own styled group shoots from May-August (each with their own theme) and are typically $40-50 per person.
*Full day privately managed group shoots are available. Pricing is dependent on number of participants, areas utilized and season. Inquire for pricing.
*Anything involving boudoir must be held exclusively.